Counting responses and randomly assigning to groups | XM Community
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This is my start with qualtrics and my research is quite difficult.
I would like qualtrics to count the responses from the various questions and use the results to tell the respondents at the end of the survey which category they fell into (A, B, or C) and randomly divide the respondents from each category into two equal groups (1 or 2).
That is: counts the answers and informs the respondent at the end of the study "you are in category B, group 2". It is important to randomly divide each category into two equal groups. Can someone please help me with this? I will be grateful!
Aleksandra :)

You can do this via Randomizer in survey flow. Do the following steps.

  1. Include branch logics within survey flow to assign them to either A,B,C. Once added

  2. Create a randomizer and include below 2 embedded data elements for each of the group and check the evenly present elements

image.pngLastly in one embedded data pipe in the Group and category and you will be able to evenly divide each person in 2 groups.
Hope it helps!

Thank you very much! It is very helpful!
Could you please tell me how to create response count for specific categories? I would like the respondents to be assigned to categories A, B or C based on the answers to specific questions.
Additionally - how to show them this information at the end?
I'm just getting started with qualtrics, forgive me if these are basic or stupid questions.
Thank you very much for your help! All the best!

If you want to evenly divide them into A, B, and C you can use another randomizer and evenly assign them the group. Or if you want it to be assigned based on specific questions answer using branch logic. You do not need to count responses for it. Additionally, if you want to count responses for each category it would be a tedious process, and would not recommend it as if two respondents are taking at the same time the count would never be correct.
You can show them this information by either using piped text in a text/graphic question which will come after these randomizer elements within the survey flow or just piping it within your end-of-survey message.
P.S.: No question is stupid question, we all are learning in the end! 😊

Hope it helps!

You should consider using scoring to categorize respondents as being in group A, B, or C. You can pipe the score(s) into an embedded data field(s) and use the embedded data field(s) in branch logic.

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