Create Calculated Field for Use as Piped Data? | XM Community
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Hi! I'm new to Qualtrics and I've been combing through the site and haven't find an answer to this question, so I thought I'd post it here. I have a survey in which I ask a multiple choice question, one response from which leads to a follow-up drill down question. I would like to recode the responses to these questions so that I can use one field as piped text in several subsequent questions. Here's a silly example of what I'm trying to do:
Q1 - What are your plans for breakfast tomorrow?
A - I plan to eat breakfast at the dining hall
B - I plan to eat breakfast off-campus
C - I will have breakfast, but haven't decided where
D - I don't eat breakfast
For those who select B, they then go to a drill down question that ends with them selecting an area restaurant (say, Denny's). In subsequent questions, I'd like to ask things like "thinking about the eggs at (recoded piped text), are they overcooked?" where 'recoded piped text' would say Yummy Dining Hall if the person had selected A in Q1, and Denny's if they had selected B in Q1 and then Denny's in the drill down question. Thank you in advance for your help, and if this could be done with Qualtrics functionality and not scripting and coding, I'd really appreciate it!

Hi JoyceL ,
Use Display Logic to show the right eating establishment list question from the choice in Q1. If you haven't looked into it already, I think Piped Text is the solution you're looking to use in the subsequent questions about their experience at the establishment. Check out the Qualtrics support page on Piped Text.

Thank you!

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