Creating XM Directory actions for distributing a second survey after a first survey is complelted. | XM Community
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I need help creating XM Directory actions for distributing a second survey after a first survey is completed both via SMS.
I have a Survey-A and Survey-B and each week I want to distribute survey-A to a list of 100 people, if an individual from this list completes Survey-A, I want them to receive Survey-B 4 weeks later.
I feel like I should be able to set up one action that does this each week without needing to change the actions at all.
MY CHALLENGE: When I create the action to send out Survey- B it says "Select a contact list and set XM Directory fields", It then asks for a specific list to set the XM Directory fields. If I send out a list each week, let's say lists 1-5, can I just leave List-1 as the default list "selected in my action"? Then when I send out list-2, list-3, etc will the action still work to send out Survey-B if the "selected list" is still list-1?
To be more specific: Is the purpose of selecting the first list just to set the XM Directory fields generally OR is it to set the XM Directory Fields ONLY for that specific list?
I also need to be able to send the distribution SMS text to people in English and in Spanish, specifically, I need the action to distribute the second survey with the SMS text being distributed in Spanish based on an embedded data field for either Spanish or English.
Thank you, anyone!

While creating event you can configure time when the required action will begin and in that you create an email with the link to the second study test link.
For the list you can create a list of emails which you want for both otherwise you would need to select them again and again.
For spanish and english you can just create a message in library and that can be in turn be translated/piped-in from a study where you have messages in different languages.

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