Custom Matrix tables's number of row from piped answers | XM Community
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Hi the community,
I have a question regarding the matrix tables. I am trying to adjust the matrix table's column number based on the the previous question.
For example, the previous question, I have 5 as answer and I want that my matrix table has 5 columns or rows. What should I do ?
Should I code something or there is already some functions that I can use?
Thank you for your help!
Qualtrics newbies!

Before jumping into code - How many potential iterations would you have? For example, if a participant could select 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 I would just use branching logic to show them a matrix with the correct relative number of rows/columns. If you have a great deal of possibilities (e.g., 1, 2, 3.....100...N) this would be taxing for you on the development end I would suppose.

Hi Wmp24,
I can go until 9 anwers (from 1 to 9), which is quiet a lot. That means I have to reiterate the branch logic 9 times ... But still it is a solution.


Hi myouhu ,
I would suggest trying to add Display Logic at the column or row level. You can set the columns to appear only when the correct value is entered or selected in the previous question.

Thank you for your answers, that is very helpful!


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