Custom report page with transformed value outcomes | XM Community
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Hey everyone!
I've been browsing around but can't quite find someone who had a question similar to me.
We have developed a new questionnaire and had it built into a few healthcare databases, where custom reports are generated automatically, but a few of our partners don't have access to those databases. Therefore we are trying to build the same functionalities into Qualtrics, with the custom report as the last page (to be copied by the respondents).
For most questions this is pretty straightforward: piping the answer to a question into a sentence so it reads something like: 'The childs [always/never/sometimes] eats breakfast.',
Yet the other questions are not rated always-never, but are rated on a 10-point scale (in a matrix table). In the other custom reports, we have distinguished different meanings to scores 1-4, 5, 6 and 7-10. I would like a way to attach a (string) label to those scores that I can then pipe into a custom sentence, like above.
My workaround now is that instead of a custom sentence with that label/meaning, I am creating lists of all questions that were answered with a certain range of scores (by piping ${q://QID4/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoicesForAnswer/7} )
Is there a way to assign a label to certain scores that can be used later on in the survey, using the most basic platform? Or is this something that can only be accomplished with JavaScript coding?

You might look into the Field Editor feature in Data Analysis, and working with the Bucketing option.

Hi Matthew,
I'm actually working a step before the data analysis part for the survey.
We're not using the survey to collect data for ourselves, we are more using it as a tool so that other healthcare professional can get a report about a client by filling in the questions. As suggested by another answer I saw on the forum, I am using a question text block to pipe in all those answers into a 'report'.
I would need to be able to edit/assign a meaning to values inside the survey to use in that last block of text. We ourselves are not going to be doing a whole lot with the surveys that are filled in (if I would need to edit values into string after data collection, I would do that myself in SPSS/R).
But I'm beginning to suspect this may be something that will be need to be coded as a conditional type of statement in JavaScript..

Unless I'm misunderstanding this should be simple using the survey flow - create an embedded data field for the label (eg. if score is 5, label is "high"). Then you can pipe the ED into your report page. It's extremely tedious when you have a lot of scores/labels but it works.

Ah, sorry, MaaikeO. I focused on "reporting" and missed where you stated that you wanted to use the values later in the survey. The suggestion from Evaluation would work. You might also look into Recode Values -->Variable Naming.

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