Customer cannot open survey link (started survey) | XM Community
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We have customers that started the survey, but didn`t finish it. Now they say they cannot open/access the survey link.
I have put 1 month for incompleted responses in the survey options.
Survey is distributed by email.
Why cannot the person go back to the survey?
We send reminders to unfinished respondents. The ones who have incompleted responses, are they considered unfinished respondents?

Thanks for clarifying.

You have mentioned that you there is a 1 month window open for incomplete responses still respondents are not able to open the link.
Wanted to know if there no set expiration date for the survey and when users are trying to access the survey again are they accessing it through email only?

Thanks for your attention to my question.
There is an expiration date set, see below.
We also have weekly reminders.

Have the respondents who report they can't resume their survey described what the error messages say when they click the link? That might shed some light on the problem.
Also, if you can identify these respondents and find their survey links in the distribution history, test it yourself and see what happens.

Yes, I have requested that information and await more details. Perhaps they submitted the survey without realizing it? Anyway, I think I got confirmation from your feedback, that I definitely need more input in order to find out what`s the problem.

Thanks for your comments!

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