Customized Report Personality Assessment | XM Community

Customized Report Personality Assessment

  • 22 March 2024
  • 0 replies


Hey everyone,

I have scoured previous discussions but struggled to find this answer.

I am developing a personality assessment survey on Qualtrics, which evaluates participants across 10 different constructs. My goal is for each participant to receive immediate visual feedback at the end of the survey. This feedback would take the form of a bar graph, displaying their scores for each construct. Additionally, some other visualizations and explanations would be great.

The ideal outcome I'm aiming for involves a couple of steps:

Self-Assessment: Participants complete the survey and receive a bar graph depicting their scores.

External Assessment: At a later stage, someone else rates the participant on the same constructs, and these scores are then juxtaposed against the participant's self-assessed scores in a dual-bar graph format (this will be later developed).

Report Generation: Lastly, I would like to offer participants the ability to download this comparative visual report as a PDF or receive it via email.

From my understanding, the standard features of Qualtrics may not support personalized and dynamic feedback directly. Therefore, I'm reaching out to see if anyone is aware of a workaround or could provide insights into how this might be achieved.


Thank you all for your time.

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