Customizing Field Response Options for Different Groups | XM Community
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We have a parent consent form we will distribute to multiple schools (60+). We would like to customize the form for each school so that the name of the school appears in the survey (parents will be asked to confirm their child is enrolled in that school) and the parent can select from a drop menu their child's classroom name/teacher name. Because there will be so many classrooms, we want to narrow down the choices available to the respondent to just those classrooms in their child's school. We would like to avoid having parents type in the names themselves because we find that different people call the same school slightly different names, so we want to cut down on data clean-up time.
We've never done anything this complex in Qualtrics and are hoping that there are some solutions other than creating 60+ different surveys. I'm wondering how others have approached similar designs and if anyone has recommendations for what we should look into further.
Many thanks!

We can use "Drill Down" question for this. you! That is extremely helpful - much simpler than what we were thinking we had to do.

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