Data Analysis - Recommendations to reach Goal | XM Community
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Several years ago at a Qualtrics conference a vendor/partner demoed a program that allowed you to set a goal on NPS (perhaps moving from 60 to 65) and then map out several scenarios that would achieve this goal. The scenarios were based on your other survey responses and what changes would be needed to reach your goal. I cannot recall the name of the vendor/partner nor do I see this functionality within Qualtrics...but maybe I'm missing something. Any suggestions?

JSchwen If you haven't already, I’d recommend reviewing this support page on NPS questions to help you get started. If you still have questions after reviewing the linked support pages, you'll want to reach out to the  Support team, as they are best equipped to help answer questions and provide support! 😁

Hi JSchwen this sounds super interesting & helpful.. were you able to figure out this program/tool?

Not yet. I've looked through the site and support pages and cannot find it. Assuming it was a partner of Qualtrics they are no longer connected to(?). Too bad as it was really interesting the way it would come up with different scenaios to help you reach your goal.

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