Data saving behavior is different across different browsers | XM Community
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We have noticed that on some browsers, data users enter into a survey will save automatically upon closing or reloading the browser. On other browsers, users must hit the "next" button at the bottom of the screen in order for data to be saved. After a bit of poking around with developer tools, we have determined that there is a "saveProgress" function function that runs on some browsers and not on others. When this function is running, it saves progress anytime a browser reloads (i.e., either by hitting the reload button on your browser or by closing your browser tab and opening again). When the function is not running, data is lost.
From our testing:  

  • The function does seem to be running on Windows/Chrome, Windows/Firefox, Windows/Edge, MacOS/Firefox, MacOS/Safari.

  • The function does not seem to be running on MacOS/Chrome or any of the mobile OS/browser combinations we’ve tried. We tested across both iOS and Android.

This raises a few questions:
  • Does anyone have a full list of the operating systems/browsers where this function is active?

  • Does Qualtrics have a plan to make this function active (and maintain this function) across all browsers?

  • How are administrators successfully messaging to survey takers that in order to guarantee that survey progress is saved, they must hit the "next" button. We are using personal links which enable users to being their survey, exit, and come back later. We are having a lot of issues where a user will answer the question on the survey screen, but then closes their browser without hitting the "next" button. All data up to that screen is saved because they have hit the "next" button on all prior screens, but the data they entered on the screen they were on when they exited the survey is lost. In these users' defense, it is a bit unnatural to ask them to hit the "next" button before they plan to continue with the survey. If there was a "save" button, that would be a little more natural, but I understand Qualtrics doesn't use "save" buttons. Has anybody successfully messaged this to users? If so, how? Or have you found any workable solutions for cases where users commonly do not finish surveys in a single sitting?

Very curious to hear the community's thoughts on these issues because we are struggling with them.

To be clear: I understand that data does not register in Qualtrics' database until a user hits the "next" button. My concern is from the survey takers' side. If I'm taking a survey that runs across five screens, I might answer the questions on screen 1, screen 2, and screen 3. After completing screen 3, I close my browser and go to lunch. When I come back to the survey in the afternoon, the data I entered on the first two screens will be there because I've hit the "next" button on those screens, but the data I entered on screen 3 is lost because I failed to hit the "next" button before I closed my browser. I'm trying to figure out how to ensure users aren't so consistently losing data they entered on the final screen they accessed before closing their browser. If the "saveProgress" function is enabled on the browser, that seems to solve the problem. But if the function is not enabled, the data is gone, and there's nothing I can do as an administrator to recover it because it never hit Qualtrics' database.

Thanks for raising this. I have a related observation/question: I think the "saveProgress" browser function also records and prevent loss of answers when a respondent navigates backward by clicking a "Back" button (if enabled). There must be a reason for the dialog box that says "We'll temporarily save your work, but answers on this page will not be recorded unless you come back and submit this page" when the respondent navigates backwards in some circumstances, but it is a really problematic feature: I haven't found a way to edit that message, and it forces a 2nd click for each backwards movement (you have to click either "Go Back" or "Stay on Page." In my informal experimenation, "work" is saved when navigating backwards. But I guess this is not the case in some browsers, hence the message?

Forgot to pose this question based on the above: shouldn't any loading of another page, be it the next page or the previous page, save the data on a page?? that's exactly the behavior that we'd see, but it doesn't work that way consistently across browsers. For the sake of argument, let's say I'm accessing a survey link for the very first time. If I'm on a Windows/Chrome combination, I can answer the first question in the survey and then immediately click the little reload button in the browser, and my answer to the first question will still be selected when the browser loads. But if I do the same thing on iOS/Safari, the survey will load to a blank screen. It's really problematic to have such consequentially different behavior across common browsers.
(And I wish I could answer your question CarlR! Frankly, it's something we haven't even considered and that I'm about to look into! We have the "Previous" button enabled on our surveys, so users tend to use that to navigate backwards, but it's occurred to me that I really should test what happens if they use the browser's back button!) address your third question, I put messages in various places in the survey that tell the respondents their data may be lost on the last page they worked on, unless they hit the Next button before exiting. Most respondents will overlook the messages but at least they can't say we did not warn them. In addition, I try not to put too many questions on one page, so if the browser does not automatically save their responses, at least they're not losing a lot of data.

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