Difference between Personal Link (capture data) and Raw Data | XM Community
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Hi there,
I need some help with determining data (front end vs. back end ). When i upload a contact list (say its a list 4880 people's contact information) i have it set up to receive a personal link.
question i have is what is accurate representation of what i should be looking at from a data standpoint?
In the distribution summary: i have the following fields
Email block
Hard bounce
Email opened
Email sent
Email soft bounce
Session expired
Session finished
Survey Partially finished
Survey started
So i know the last 4 should be the ones i need to focus on correct? BUT when you pull the raw data - shouldnt that match up to the summary of the distribution? OR is that just Finished (True value, False Value) based on completing it or not.
Also how does the "started but not finished, session expired, survey started" come into play on the finalized response. In the survey, its automatically defaulted that those who are in that status have (a default) response of a week before those responses are accounted for in the raw data. Does that also hold true for when you close the survey? People with a personalized link can still take the survey even though its closed (even though i stop collecting and force the response).

Hi DaniLynn ,
The values you listed (Email blocked, Hard bounce, etc.) only apply to the Distributions Download History reports when sending invites by email through Qualtrics. They do not carry over into the raw data or any of the reports from the survey data so you'll never find them there.
The raw data will only identify Complete and Incomplete responses. You can control whether or not incomplete responses are included in the final data by adjusting the Response settings under Survey Options; see the screen shot below. If you're finding that some respondents are able to complete the survey after you close it, it may be the case that they have started their survey before the deadline, which will allow them to return to the survey and submit it within the time specified in the Incomplete Survey Responses setting.

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