Different sets of reusable choices for different questions | XM Community
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I am trying to figure out how to use 2 sets of answers for 2 different questions?
I currently have a question that uses a dropdown menu with reusable choices. I now have a 2nd question where I would like to use a dropdown menu with reusable choices. These choices are not the same for question 1 and question 2.
Every time I import the new choices (for question 2), the import overrides the choices in question 1. How do I keep the new import from overriding the existing import?

Thank you!

I’d like to know this as well.

Hi @CLM ,

there is only ONE set of reusable choices available in your survey. So if you change this set, it changes for all questions.

You could create “super-set” of reusable choices (containing the answer options for both questions) and then filter them on question level as described here: Reusable Choices (qualtrics.com). But that’s not very practicle. 

Is there a reason you want to use those reusable choices instead of just importing lists with choices separately for each of the two questions? 

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