Disallow clicks on padding surrounding radio buttons | XM Community
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I would like to prevent clicks on the padding surrounding radio buttons in multiple choice questions. I tried the following CSS code in the Look & Feel settings:
.SingleAnswer {
  pointer-events: none;
It seems to work: participants can only click the radio button, but not the padding. My question is if this will cause any side effects that I have not thought about.
For context, this is used so that by clicking on the page centered radio button on one question, the mouse cursor would be directly between two options arranged horizontally on the next question which will be shown automatically, removing positional bias.
Edit: To update, it appears that this solves it for some questions (when options were horizontally arranged) but prevents other questions from being answered (when options were vertically arranged).

In most themes, what appears to be a radio button isn't really a radio button. It is part of a radio button label and the real radio button is hidden.

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