Display logic error | XM Community
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First of all, if my question is posted in the wrong part of this forum, let me know and i'll be sure to change is.
I have a question regarding a survey i'm building. Within the survey, there's a question (q27) that should not be displayed when a certain answer is given to a question earlier in the survey (q25). The extra complication is that this latter question (q25) is only displayed to a small portion of respondents (due to answers previous to that question).
I tried adding display logic to q27 stating it should only display when q25 is not answered in a particular way. However, after doing so qualtrics informed me of a 'severe error' in my survey due to display logic problems. I suspect it has to do with q25 not being displayed to everyone.
The strange part is; the display logic i built seems to work perfectly fine. Q27 shows when either Q25 is never displayed or when the display requirement regarding q25 is met, and doesn't show when the requirement regarding q25 is not met.
Should I just ignore the qualtrics warning, or am i overlooking something important?
Kind regards,

Can you share a screen shot of the error message? I'm familiar with a usually false warning message that Qualtrics displays to users when Display Logic is used in some situations, but none that actually say "severe error".

Severe error.pngThis is de message qualtrics shows me

So which question does the error refer to when you click the arrow to the left of "Affected questions (1)". Can you share a screen shot of the display logic associated with that question?

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