Display Logic or Branch?? | XM Community
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Hi all! I am fairly new to Qualtrics, but have gone through the question a bit and haven't found an answer to this question yet - sorry if it has already been asked, and if so can you point me to that post/answer?

I am building out a survey that main goal is to give the individual taking the survey one of 4 results: 1) You're a Match, 2) Need more Information, 3) Ineligible, and 4) At a later time.

I built those 4 results as text/graphic questions and put the below stated display results, but I cannot get just one box to show up. Very often none of them will appear no matter the question responses selected, or multiple results show up. I think it might be due to overlapping responses, but then I don't know how to fix for that error. Can someone help me out?

Result 1 - Match:
Question 1: A
OR Question 2: A
AND Question 3: A-E
AND Question 4: A OR B
AND Question 5: A OR B
AND Question 6: B-H

Result 2 - Need more information:
Question 1: A OR B
OR Question 2: A OR B
AND Question 3: A-F
AND Question 4: A-C
AND Question 5: A - C
AND Question 6: B-H

Result 3 - Ineligible:
Question 1: A OR B
OR Question 2: A OR B
AND Question 3: A-F
AND Question 4: A-C
AND Question 5: A - C
AND Question 6: A

Result 4 - At a Later Time:
Question 1: A
OR Question 2: A
AND Question 3: A-E
AND Question 4: A OR B
AND Question 5: A OR B
AND Question 6: I OR J

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Naj42 ,
Can you share screen shots of how you've set up the display logic? It's not clear whether each Result is part of a single logic set, or divided into separate logic sets; that makes a big difference in how they work.
Also note that the OR conditions supersede AND conditions when they are part of the same logic set.

Hi Mathew! Thank you so much for your response. I actually ended up figuring it out by adjusting some of the Or/And conditions.

The other logic goes as follows:Question 1 - If they answer A then it takes them down the Match and At a Later Time; if they Answer B, then it takes them to question 2.
Question 2 - If they answer A - reroutes them back on to the Match and At a Later Time path; If they answer B it takes them down the More Info and Ineligible path.
Question 3, 4, and 5 really don't have an impact EXCEPT for the negative responses. (F, C, and C). If these options are selected at all AND Question 6 option A is NOT selected, the individual taking the survey will be routed to the "More Information" result.
Question 6 B-H options will take the individual taking the survey to the Match result. If the individual selects I or J for this question, then they will receive the At a Later Time result. If they select A, they are ineligible.

Basically just had to tweak it a bit and being new to Qualtrics took me a bit to figure it out. But I appreciate you reaching out to provide more help!

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