Display Logic/Skip Logic not visiable or able to be selected -Why? | XM Community
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We are new users to the qualtrics survey product, we want to add display/skip logic functionality, but it appears we do not have this option under "question behaviour", can anyone advise why, does it depend on what qualtrics plan is being used?
It's a function we would like to use.

Thanks in advance.

Qualtrics community question.JPG

Hi there! This is odd, I'm not able to find any information on whether this function is dependent on the type of plan. Have you tried right-clicking on the question? This is another way to access those functions. https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/question-options/question-options-overview/?parent=p0073
You can also try the survey flow to add logic to an entire block: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/survey-flow/standard-elements/branch-logic/
Hope this helps! Let me know if these options work. If not, you may want to put in a support ticket.

Question logic is not available on the free plan 😥

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