Display Results based on Score in End of Survey Message | XM Community
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I have an assessment survey where I would like to display the score and the level of score after survey submission to the respondant. This is how the End of Survey Message looks:
Capture3.PNGI'm able to pipe in the score, but additionally I would like to display a sentence like "You fall in Adhoc level " The scoring range is shown below of the message for your reference.
Is there a way that I can use piped text to diplay "Adhoc" or any of the levels in a message?

I suggest to also use an embedded data field for the phrase "Adhoc" (or whatever phrase has to be displayed based on the score).
You can set this embedded data field either in the survey flow (based on conditions) or via JavaScript.

An easy way would be to Branch to different pages (in the survey Flow) depending on the score and spell out the different "Personas" on each and then pipe in the actual score.
Anywhere I can avoid Java Script I do 🙂 (Because I'm not smart enough to understand it)

Or perhaps just use Display logic and show different wording depending on the score and pipe in the score in the different questions. yeah, now that I think about it that's how I would do it. :)

Thanks ManfredBM & MattiasM for all your responses. The best way to do it is through javascript and now I'm able to have a dynamic report. Unfortunately, javascript doesn't work in email templates. I'll have to figure out a way to download the report as PDF at the end. Any idea on how to acheive that?

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