Displaying the exact same subset of randomised items in a longitudinal study | XM Community

Displaying the exact same subset of randomised items in a longitudinal study

  • 12 May 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi all,
I need to create a longitudinal follow up survey that displays the exact same subset of randomized questions that the respondent received in the first survey. In theory, they are completing the exact same survey as they did at T1, but each respondent answers a randomised subset of items at T1. I then need the respondents to answer the exact same randomised subset of items at T2 (linked by a unique ID).
In the first survey, T1, respondents receive a randomized subset of items within each block that they answer. In the longitudinal follow up, T2, I need respondents to answer the exact same randomized subset of items that they answered in T1.
I would also like the respondents to be set up with a unique ID that identifies them/their T1 survey, so that I can link the two T1 and T2 surveys to each other. But I do not know how to go about this whilst remaining completely anonymous.
Is this a way to do this in Qualtrics? Please let me know if my explanation was not clear enough.


Best answer by Mishraji 16 May 2021, 07:31

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Userlevel 4
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In the T1 survey, create embedded variables for each question and set it to '1' if the question was displayed. Also, generate a random number for each respondent. This random number will work as a unique ID. Provide this unique ID to the respondent and this ID has to be entered to start T2 study. These embedded variables should be pushed to a contact list.
Now in the T2 study, set an authenticator and validate respondents if unique Id match is found in contact list. Once validated, all questions will have display logic to only display a question if it was displayed in T1 study.

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