Distribution link won't update with new edits from a copied survey. | XM Community
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I just created a copy of a Qualtrics survey from last year and edited it to match this year's information. When I went to test the 'anonymous distribution link' in another window, it still shows last years survey. I'm stumped. I understand that the distribution link stayed the same as the previous survey since I made a copy, but how do I get my new edits to show display?

If you haven't already try publishing the survey and open link in incognito mode.

Deepak I tried this link in incognito mode and it still didn't work. I'm still getting the 'end of survey' message from the previous year.

Did you publish the survey?

Deepak Yes, the survey is published.

It seems it's stuck and the changes are not updating try creating a copy survey and check that anonymous link of the copied survey.
If it still doesn't work try raising a Qualtrics support ticket.

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