I haven’t had any loading issues for surveys with a lot of questions, embedded data fields, or headers/footers. I can’t speak to speed when using Javascript or branching elements heavily though.
JS & API are the only stuff which might hamper with the load time of the question thus affecting the total duration of the survey whereas the survey logics are not that bad when it comes to page loading and stuff.
I’ve also noticed that while a survey can be sometimes slow to load in preview mode, it’s often way faster if you’re taking the actual survey. If that’s the case, I tend to test the survey with the anonymous link to double check.
Interesting! Thank you for the comments
- Scripts in the header and footer
- Number of questions in the survey
- Number of questions in the page
- Branching elements in the SurveyFlow
- Amount of Embedded Data fiels in the SurveyFlow
- Specific Question Types
- Sometimes slow to load in preview mode
- Some question with picture or other media
- API in survey flow
I can confirm all above, but I can't reproduce these last two. I have a survey with lots of CSS and JS, made a copy without it, but the loading speed seems unaffected...
- Heavy use of Javascript on questions
- Heavy use of CSS in Look&Feel
@JohannesCE I used to have a big custom survey where I have to change the graphic of star slider, the MC question choice placement base on device size, on hover & on click theme where a cartoon animation pop up at the choice’s box…… Just an 1 page 3 question survey but it do load slowly