My question is about dominant choices/preferences in conjoint analysis, since I would like to understand how I can ensure that no dominant choices will be shown to my respondents when using Qualtrics?
I know that I can eliminate a certain combination of values for my attributes, but since I will have many combinations with dominant choices, I wonder if there is a method for eliminating all of them automatically?
I will make an example:
In a job description you might have to choose between the following attributes:
Salary, Work-life balance, food in cantine and work environment (these are not my actual attributes, but for simplicity I will use these here)
Then lets say that all of the attributes can vary between two values, so they can be either “good” or “bad” (again just for simplicity).
Many combinations can be identified as having dominant choices, since a dominant choice occurs when the alternative choice has at least one attribute which is worse and none which is better - please correct me if I am wrong about this understanding.
As I understand a dominant choice would for instance be this one:
Choice A: Salary=good, Work-life-balance=good, food in cantine=good, work environment=bad
Choice B=Salary=good, work-lie-balance=good, food in cantine=bad, work environment=bad.
Choice A is the dominant choice here, since none of the attributes are better in choice B, but at least one is worse (food in cantine).
So my question is how to handle this problem in Qualtrics/ is it possible? Since there are so many possible combinations of job descriptions that will have a dominant choice I cannot see how I can exclude all of them, exept if I can do this automatically?
(And another question, I still haven’t found the answer for, is, what are the conseqences for my study if I don’t handle the dominant choices?)
Kind regards,