Drill down question and embedded data after | XM Community
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Hi all! I am creating a survey where I want to ask for recommendations of teachers. I have 7 regions, 512 schools, and around 9 teachers per school. I would like for principals to select their region, their school, and then to be able to pick up to three teachers from their school.
I need multiple suggestions for different questions, (I want them to suggest teachers for different training options), but I dont want to ask region and school every time.
Is there a way to carry forward the list of potential teachers to following questions so they can make choices only from that list?
One issue that I faced is the limited amount of cells for drill down questions.
Any suggestions? Thank you!

This can be done easily if your break these into 3 separate questions and use supplemental data(paid feature) to represent 9 teachers from each school.
Region and Schools can be managed by textentry -> auto complete but since the number of teacher is large I would recommend using the supplemental data feature.
You can make a unique Id for each school import data in a survey and based on that unique id you can bring 9 teachers from that school and pipe those 9 teachers appropriately in a multi choice multi select question and then carry forward wherever needed.
Hope it helps!

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