Easy check for evenly presented embedded data. | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

For our study we have six conditions, I already used embedded data en made them be presented evenly. Unfortunatly, when people don't complete the survey, the evenly presented might not be true. Since we will need an Anova test at the end, is there an easy way to check how it's trully spread in the completed data? Besides ofcourse just handcounting them, but that is a lot of work and more change to make mistakes yourself as well.
I hope anyone has an idea for this. Thanks in advance!

What are you going to be using to analyze the data? And how exactly are you defining a "complete" response?
You could create a new filter in your Qualtrics Reports tab that looks only at people with Finished = TRUE or Progress = 100. Then you would see how many responses are left in your data set after filtering, and if you have an embedded data variable that tells you the condition, then you would be able to see how many respondents fell into each condition.
If you're using Excel, it could be as simple as a Pivot Table. Again, using Finished = TRUE or Progress = 100 as a filter, and a count of your condition variable.
If you don't want to use Finished or Progress variables for whatever reason (e.g., because somebody could finish the survey and have Finished = TRUE but still leave some answers blank along the way), then try creating your own variable that checks to see if the response is "complete," however you want to define that. And if you don't have an embedded data variable that tells you which condition the respondent fell into, then you should definitely think about setting or creating one.

We will be using SPSS in the end to analyse the data. In the study 'complete' is when they answered the last question, we have forced all responses, so there won't be empty questions inbetween.

I tried to look at the reports and found the filter finished, but I then still can't see the embedded data as in groups, and how many responses each has... I don't know if the embedded data is immediatly seen as a condition? Otherwise maybe that is the problem?

Have you tried filtering by last question is not empty?
It should have a value only if they've reached and answered it.

So I can see the groups in the end on the report like this:
image.pngBut I can't make it into a graph or table or something where I can see how many participants are in each group.
I looked into adding a quato as well, but since the survey is already online, I don't think that is an option anymore. So the question is, is there a way to easily check how the group condiitons are spread out between the people who filled in the whole survey. Since I only see the option to check it as in the picture above.
I hope my question is a bit more clear now

FloorG Is the "Group" variable an embedded data field that you set in your Survey Flow in Qualtrics? If so, go back into your Survey Flow and change the type of the embedded data by clicking on "Options." Choose something like "Number Set" as the type, and then save it. Here's more information on the different types of embedded data options. That should allow you to find discrete values, counts, and totals in your Reports.
You can change the embedded data options even after your survey has gone live without worrying about a negative impact on your respondents. They won't see the change; it's really more of a back end thing.
Then once you get your embedded data set up properly, add a filter to ensure you're only looking at people who completed the survey.

lizb311 Thank you, I'm pretty sure it worked!
Below the last question in the report I now see this, and then I guess the field is the group they were put in.

FloorG Yup! You got it. I think you could click on the table and hide everything but the "Field" and "Count" columns to make it easier to look at. Those are the only ones that are really giving you the information you need.
I suppose you could also set your embedded data field to "Text Set" instead of "Number Set" and get similar results. But you're fine as is. :)

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