Edit contact list after distribution | XM Community
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I have distributed a survey within my organization using email. I now want to edit the contact list I used because some recipients lefts the company and for some others the email addresses were incorrect. What happens when I edit the contact list now, after distribution? Is there a way I can only send invites/reminders to the new/corrected email addresses, without having to create an entire new mailing?
Thanks for any help you can offer! :)

Unfortunately No, once distributed you cannot change it you will have to do an entire new mailing.

If it's just a couple of changes, you can distribute the surveys one-by-one in Distribution by selecting the individual contact from the list. If it's not manageable that way, then you need to create a new contact list and send out separately.

Thank you both Deepak and InessaG.
I see that I will have to create a new contact list. That is not a problem in itself, but I also need to track completion of the survey. That gets a lot more complicated now.

Thank you guys Deepak InessaG for jumping in and providing valuable contributions to the community! 🙂

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