Email Triggers Vs. Actions | XM Community
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I set up an Email Action on a survey, but the Email Trigger, which is under Survey - Post Survey options is overriding the Email Action (Actions, Survey Response, etc). There doesn't seem to be a way to delete the Email Trigger. What am I missing here?

Hi Christina0402 ,
When you click Edit Triggers there should be a "Delete" button or link in the pop-up window, as highlighted below. If you don't see that, there may be something that Qualtrics Support needs to fix in your account.

Thanks! That would be the problem. That's not coming up for me...

What I had to do was edit, then save changes (even though I made none), and the next time I opened it - I was able to delete. Thank you so much. It was driving me nuts.

I'm also facing the same issue where no matter what I try I can't delete the existing Email Triggers. I've tried all of the different approaches above, but they still persist. I see the Delete button and when I click it the Trigger is removed from the list, I click Save Triggers and exit, but when I go back in they are all still there. Super frustrating!

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