Embed one question o on Outlook email | XM Community
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Is it possible to embed one question from Qualtrics in the email content on Outlook?
We would like to ask the client a question to respond with Yes or No, and for the question to be part of the Outlook email text (not to be redirected to the Qualtrics website).
The clients email address variates like yahoo; gmail etc.

I am not sure how you would get them to select an answer in email, have it record, but now show someone the survey.
However, you can make an inline question in Outlook by using Query Strings and Q_PopulateResponse. You would create two objects in your email one for Yes and one for No. Each would have it's own URL assigned as a hyperlink. If the question is QID1 and Yes=1 and No=2 then:
Yes: SurveyURL?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"1"}
No: SurveyURL?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"2"}
If this is the only question in the survey, you can use a timer to auto advance after 0.1 second. They will see a screen flash before seeing the survey end message.

Many thanks for your response Bstrahin. From my understanding the solution you are proposing is one that Outlook has functionalities for?

Andreea_Campean yes. You are creating objects in Outlook and attaching a hyperlink to Qualtrics that will record the answer you selected in Outlook. You take the anonymous link and add the Q_PopulateResponse part to the URL to have it fill in a button in Qualtrics.

Hi bstrahin,
As I'm looking to send around 10.000 emails I would need to use the Outlook Mail merge functionality, and this means that I need to create the Objects - buttons in Word. Which I did using the Developer functions. Two buttons one with Yes and one with No. It seems like if the No answer is selected on Word, that selection also appears on the email and you're not able to change it:

So the next step would be to add a hyperlink for each of the button? and that hyperlink would be for Qualtrics survey to collect each of the responses?
The survey QID3 is published and now I have a link to it. It would look like this for Yes response button: https://survey.pwc.com/jfe/form/SV_efARLn7x4BXqmJE?Q3Answer=${q://QID3/ChoiceDescription/1}
When the email is received, I note that when I click on one of the option, the Qualtrics survey is still opening in order for a response to be provided.
Is it possible for Qualtrics to gather the response without the actual website/link to open?

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