Embedded data from contact list in question | XM Community
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I would like to pull the shortid (username) from the Contact List into my question.


I have a text/graphic statement as a question and in the text I would like to include the person’s shortid. I tried Piped Text pulling the field Embedded Data from the Contact List. It’s blank every time I test it.


I am testing using data from the Contact List so I know that there is data to pull. Is there something that I am missing?


Thank you!

Hello @CLM

Could you please confirm how you're testing the survey? Are you using Preview mode or another method?

To test the survey with piping, you'll need to add a new contact and then distribute the survey link specifically for that contact. This is the recommended method to ensure that piping is functioning correctly.

Let me know if this helps.

In the event that you are using the method above but still encountering blank instead of data:

  • make sure that the piped text is of the same font size/color/type.
  • re-insert the piped text in case the format went wrong when you are editing.

@CLM You can try using Query Strings to test whether your pipe text is working or not. This method will save your time required for manual email distribution.

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