Embedded data in Survey Flow to record if mobile device not showing up in data | XM Community
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I have a survey in which I don't allow respondents to participate if they are on a mobile device. In the Survey Flow, I define an embedded data variable called "Mobile" which is 0 at the beginning of the survey, and I set it to equal 1 if the device is identified as a mobile device. The next step in the flow is an End of Survey element, as accessing the survey link on a mobile device kicks you out.
I have tested the survey in preview mode, and what I see in the data is that there is no "Mobile" embedded variable saved for those who used a mobile device. I would like to know if someone was kicked out of the survey for this reason - what can I do differently to achieve this?
P.S. Other embedded data defined at the beginning of the survey (above "Mobile = 0") do show up for respondents who used a mobile device.

This was a silly mistake on my side: those accessing the survey on a mobile device were accessing the published version, which did not include the "Mobile" embedded data.

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