Export Response data + Metadata | XM Community
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Is there any way to export Metadata with the survey response data?
Problem- I have two surveys (A & 😎 that I want to merge and then clean the combined data.
A] within Qualtrics:- Using the "response type" variable to remove observations that are reported as spam; system test etc
I merge the data (export A then import into Project 😎
When I Import (as CSV or TSV) data file, the "response type" variable reports "imported" for all responses - I want a variable that reports the original "response type" for the imported file.
B] Using STATA: Exporting the data from the two surveys & then appending this in STATA and using the metadata to clean and remove the fraudulent observations.

You could add an embedded variable into the survey flow. Then export both surveys to excel and copy across the "response type" data into the blank embedded data column. Then import both surveys into a new blank survey and the data will be captured.
I don't think there's a way to keep metadata when importing, but embedded variables work a bit better for this.
Hope this helps :)

Thank you, Steph. I'll try that.

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