external data reference field related question | XM Community
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Hi Community, 

I have a question regarding to the external data reference field. 

Because of our company server limited, we are now using workflow to import contact list from the SFTP server instead of using import contact automation. We use an unique variable (something like invoice number and we mapped as external data reference in the workflow) as the 1st layer of identifier and email as the 2nd layer of identifier. Since we have 2 survey and some respondent may include in both survey invitation list, so I am not sure if there is a scenario that: 


List A: 

email externaldatareference
abc@abc 12345


List B: 

email externaldatareference



when it uploaded to directory what will the external data reference looks like? Will qualtrics capture the latest value or will it be combined? Thanks.

If you are using External data reference (EDR) or EDR with Email in your XMD merging rule. So it will not replace EDR value and create a new entry in XMD. So you will have two different contacts. But if you will use only email as merging rule then it will replace the value of EDR in existing contact containing same email address.

Hi @zcaqmx,

There are 2 options here:

Option 1: Using Email and ExtDataRef (combination) as a unique identifier so that a same email with different ExtDataRef will be stored separately.



Option 2: Using separate directory to store this data if possible.



This will also allow you to manage the contact frequency for each contact separately.

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