Extra option to answer appearing despite no question - no option to delete? | XM Community
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Hi I was hoping someone might be able to help with my query.
I have made several blocks using the matrix option. In a couple of them, for some reason an extra option to answer has appeared despite there being no item to the left of it (screenshot below - I have covered the items with a blue square as they are from a specific questionnaire).
I cannot seem to delete this, as there is nothing to click on on the left. Normally you can click on a specific item and remove it, and the option to answer is removed. If anyone could advise on how to correct this that would be great.
qualtrics query.png

I'm not sure I can tell where the extra option is in the screen shot. I don't know if this is anything I've seen before, but maybe you could try changing the Repeat Headers option or disabling it, and see if that makes any difference?
You might also try reducing the Number of Statements in the Matrix by 1.

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