Field Editor - Manual Fields | XM Community
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Hi all very new to qualtrics, creating a survey for academic research.
I'm trying to create manual fields of my questions to simplify the file export for data analysis, but the text fields change to numeric values for the manual/custom fields.
For example:
Q: What is your primary language?
A: Multiple choice: English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Other
Created manual field (text) of "Language" mapped to the question, set type as text set/open text/text value - but all display as numeric values when I add the column in the data table...
Please help.
Screenshot 2022-06-30 at 00.05.31.png

Can you share a screen shot of the view in Qualtrics that shows how you set up this manual field? That might help users in the community troubleshoot the issue.

Screenshot 2022-06-30 at 00.49.25.pngHi Matthew this is the option in the Data & Analysis tab: Create Field

I haven't worked with the Create Field feature much since Qualtrics changed it, earlier this year I believe. It seems like it might not be working as intended in your case, and should be reported to Qualtrics support, but you could probably work around it by using Bucketing instead.

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