File names in different languages | XM Community
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Hello, I a question regarding uploading files with names in different languages, namely Japanese. When a respondent attaches a file in Japanese, the file name in the subsequent download becomes a bunch of underscores which usually extent past the name character limit and as a result removes the file extension and renders the file unable to be opened.
If I manually add the extension back (pdf, msg, etc) it opens normally. I also tried to change the survey language to Japanese but the file name issue still persisted.
If there is a solution for this, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.

Just for a little added context, below is what the file names look like after I download them. The underscores were all originally Japanese text; the original Japanese titles were also quite short but got extended to those huge lines. On the platform, the original file names appear, Japanese is also supported elsewhere on the survey platform, but just downloaded files come out like this.
The top file is an example of a file whose name grew past the character limit and I had to add an extension at the end to open it. The name was originally in Japanese and followed by English, all the English is cut off as you can see.
image.pngAny insight or fix into this would be much appreciated. We expect many file submissions to include some Japanese in their titles

This is an old question that was never answered but I would like to bump this up again since I still run into this issue. Any help would be appreciated!

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