Formatting Questions | XM Community
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I am creating my first survey. I am using the side by side format (which seems to work for my survey).
I want to survey behavior to be to list 4 meetings in one Box and the answer value to be Least Valuable, Valuable and Most Valuable in a radio button.
The second box is same 4 meetings and answer value is monthly, 2x a year and Quarterly.
The set up is all working and when I go to Preview everything looks great.
However, I only want it to select "one" value or be able to deselect a button. I have tried several things and have not been able to find a document that explains it in the format I am working in. When I add validation it defaults to "Custom".
My thanks for any help.

I would be happy to try and help! I don't quite understand what it is you are trying (and failing) to do?
"However, I only want it to select "one" value or be able to deselect a button. I have tried several things and have not been able to find a document that explains it in the format I am working in. When I add validation it defaults to "Custom,"
I'm thinking you can use the "Answer Count," but I'm not really sure of what you're trying to do.
Also, I highly suggest that you fully test (not using preview, but use the distribution link) - to be sure it's what your respondent will see.

Thank you for the thoughts. I tried that

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