Genderspecific greeting in E-mail distribution | XM Community
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I was wondering if it was possible to include gender specific greetings in e-mail distribution. I a lot of languages it is customary to greet men and women differently, sometimes including academic titles is also customary. So I was wondering if I could add a column in the email lists with “Gender” and then create a code that uses this new column to e.g. say. If Gender=male the header if my email is “Dear Mr. XY...” and if gender = female the header is “Dear Mrs. XY...” 

Does anyone have experience with this or knows if this would be possible? Unfortunately I have no knowledge whatsoever about coding.  

Hi @Christinelu,

You should be able to do that without programming, but it would require that you have the greeting term loaded as meta data for each user.

If you have a field called “Greeting term” or similar, then you can just use that as piped text in the email. If you need different terms in different languages, then you would need to load the correct term for each user, depending on the language you think they will use, or have stored in their profile.

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