General issue with Bucketing fields on Embedded Data? | XM Community
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Since this morning (it still worked on Friday) we noticed an issue with Bucketing fields.
If they are based on a Question, there's no problem.
If they are based on Embedded data, none of the values show up. Even for already created fields that already had mapping, the values no longer show on the screen (but the bucketing is still applied we can see in the new responses).
I checked with 1 customer and they notice the same, so this looks like a general issue.
Is anyone else experiencing this? (I already opened a support ticket as well)

Hi JoycaV It seems like a single instance issue, for which we should wait for Support team to get back to you.

I am experiencing the same problem. No embedded data values are showing up. I had been using the bucketing feature last week, but now I can't make any changes.

I am having this problem too, waiting on support.

Ok, so I'm not the only one :)
My latest reply from Support is meanwhile:
"I was able to reproduce the issue in the survey "..." (SurveyID ) when using embedded data. I'll be sending this over to our specialists team in order to take a deeper look and I'll come back to you with a solution as soon as possible."

Hi, last Friday I got an update that the issue was solved by Qualtrics.

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