Get multiple contacts information from the XM Directory | XM Community
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Hello, I have a use case wherein I need to pull multiple contacts from the XM Directory and show them in a tabular format. For eg. I have multiple owners with their employee details within XM Directory list and I am sending survey to the owners to check if the information of their employees is correct or not, if not I also want them to update the information and which should reflect in XM Directory too.
My Question here, is there a way Qualtrics can check for same company id and get the information of all the people with similar ids in a tabular format.
Here there are multiple owner and multiple (upto 50) employees per owner in same list.
Any help would be great!

The way I've been able to do this is to create a FLAT file of the data in a contact list. I have "company name", "company ID", then "Employee1 Name", "Employee1 Email", "Employee1 many as needed", then "Employee2 Name..."
The idea is that each row is a company with ALL employees. Even if there are 50.
I also include a field "Number of Employees" - that way I can do a loop & Merge Or just display logic, but know how many to show.
Happy to work through it with you if you like.

Hello mklubeck thankyou for your response but the issue is that it isn't a flat file it consists of 1000's of records already and changing it to such a file would be a task, but I would like to understand the workaround to your method if we can meet on a zoom call ?
Also will this method show all the information at once or it would run in a loop because I want them to show all information and then give them a chance to select which they want to update below is the table I would like the information in that manner if that's possible.

happy to zoom, but 1,000s may make it not worth the effort? 100 I would do though. How many companies are you dealing with? What's the max number of employees for each?
If you know the company, you could have a contact list with all of the employees in the format you showed. How are you finding out the company name/ID? Are you using a drop down for that?

Thankyou for response I understood your method so I think zoom won't be needed.
Also there are approx 200 companies with around 50 employees each , regarding the company id I am sending them individual links so that would be better to like find and sort from the list.

So you could have 200 rows. One for each company. And then your employees for each would be Employee1 - Employee50.
That would allow you to pull in the proper data and display...and you could use display logic to not show empty fields.
You can use Actions --> Contact List to update based on answers given.

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