Hi, I’m working on a problem involving a drill down type of question. I would like to be able to have respondents pick their job title from a large list of possible occupations. The list is to large to fit on one menu. So my solution was to have a drill down set up where first respondents are asked what sector of the economy their job is in, then what level of training their job usually requires. This produces subsets of manageable menus that a respondent could choose from, like 10 to 20. However, to make this really work, I’d like to be able to have the drill down options on separate pages. How can I accomplish this?
To put this in the language of the example used on the Qualtrics pages for drill down questions, I would like to have the R presented with the question:
- What Model is your car…..
- page break
- What make is your car
- page break
- What year is your car….
I have been told that this may require some custom javascript programming so I’m wondering if anyone has tackled this. Thank you