Hi - I am new to Qualtrics. Trying to find answers to (probably) simple questions! | XM Community
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I cannot see the training tools that will help me with these questions. Any steer would be much appreciated. I am trying to do three things which I thought would be straightforward.

  1. I have included a consent form at the beginning but it is still presented as question 1 (when it is not really the first question of the survey). How do I keep the words and consent question in but take off the number '1' (and start the re-number questions).

  2. I have survey sub-sections as blocks i.e. the sub-section 'Your work details' (but cannot the title of each sub-section is not seen when I preview the survey).

  3. Some questions have free texts sections at the end. However, it seems they have to be new additional questions. Is this right?

Hi ALG ,
Can you share screen shots of each item 1-3? That might help community members better understand your current state and provide help.

1) Is the problem the question numbers? If so, here are a couple of options:
Auto-number questions: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/survey-tools/auto-number-questions/
Recode values: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/question-options/recode-values/
2) Are you referring to the block name in Survey Editor? (Screenshot example below.) If so, I believe this is only viewable on your side; you will have to add a text question with the name of the subsection for it to show up to survey takers.
image.png3)That is correct!
Also, any screenshots would be incredibly helpful!

thank you very much for the advice - much appreciated and I have updated my survey accordingly i.e. I manually changed the numbers of the questions which given the simple nature of our survey seems the most pragmatic way forward. Thanks again!

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