Higher Ed - Sharing Surveys Among Committee/Senate Members | XM Community
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I am the Qualtrics Brand Admin for my institution, and we’ve received a question from our Faculty Senate President, and I’m curious as to what other institutions are doing, particularly in the higher ed space, if anyone has insight from that side.

The TL;DR version: how do you set up surveys for your Faculty Senate?

  • Option 1: Utilizing groups and shared libraries (that wouldn't require copying surveys or changing the survey owner)
  • Option 2: Survey owners collaborate on surveys without a shared group
  • Or do you utilize a third option?


Currently, our Faculty Senate has several surveys they run, and up until now, the individual surveys have been owned by the individual senate members. As the senate members change over time, they are having to constantly collaborate and/or transfer survey ownership to new members, and so on. Over time, this has become a cumbersome process.

I submitted a ticket to Qualtrics Support, and their recommendation was to utilize Groups and Libraries. I tested this out slightly, and found that while it’s possible to copy existing surveys to a group’s shared library (and, according to Support, you can export the original survey’s data and upload it to the copy), the survey URL would need to change going forward (since we’d be using the copied survey going forward, to have it shared between senate members). This is problematic because our survey URLs might exist on our .edu site, in our LMS, etc., and it would be even more cumbersome to hunt down and replace all those survey links.

What are other universities/institutions doing in situations like this? To avoid having to replace survey URLs, is constantly collaborating and/or transferring survey ownership to new members the best practice, given the circumstances?

Thank you!

Nick Chevalier

For our Faculty Congress, we've created a Qualtrics Group and added relevant members to this Group. Once a survey is Collaborated to this Group, all members of the Group have access to it without having to Collaborate it with each individual member. You can then control access to surveys by adding/removing membership to this Group.

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