Hot spot question with image link coming from embedded data | XM Community
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Hello! In my survey, participants select which avatar they would like to use from a set of 24 avatars on a 4x6 grid, which they see as a single image. Which set of avatars they see depends on their answer to previous questions, and so the imageId is piped in from embedded data set up in previous javascript. Right now, each avatar choice is associated with a letter, and they can choose that letter from a multiple choice list below. But, there seem to be a lot of mistakes being made, so I am hoping to set it up so they can click on the avatar they would like to choose on the grid image itself. I know I can set this up with a hot spot question, but I can't figure out how to set up a hot spot question when the image itself is coming from embedded data and varies for each participant. Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you so much!

I believe you don't need hot-spot question. You can use Insert Graphic or you can pipe the embedded data which has image source in multiple choice question options and let them select the image from those options. Also, if there is a need to show a specific image on certain condition you can use option based display logic as well.
On the other hand if you would like to go the hot-spot question route, yes, there isn't a way to pipe the embedded data for the graphic to appear. You would have to choose it, what you can do is create the grid outside Qualtrics, include that and then have a region based JS or logic for further display of images chosen.
Hope this helps!

Deepak Thanks for this answer! Piping the individual options into multiple choice questions hadn't occurred to me, and should work well.

Deepak That's a smart solution! Thank you so much for your contributions! 🙂

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