Hot Spot regions not displaying properly | XM Community
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Hi all. I'm trying to set up a survey using hot spot questions, but the regions are not appearing in the correct positions and sizes (see screenshots below), especially for the mobile version. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Survey Builder view.pngSurvey Preview view.pngAny help would be hugely appreciated. Many thanks!

Any help would be hugely appreciated. Many thanks!

Hello. I'm having the same issue. Did you find a resolution?

I didn't unfortunately :(

Hi there, I'm having trouble replicating on my end. Any chance you could post a QSF where the issue is happening so it might be further investigated?

I've moved on from this project but perhaps Mamendoza could

Hi there! I was experiencing this same issue, and realized it appears when you're viewing the mobile view on your desktop but not on a mobile device. If you scan the QR code to preview the survey on your mobile device it does not appear problematic. I hope this helps!

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