How can I add up the counts of several multiple-choice questions and add this to a report? | XM Community
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I'd like to know how can I add the counts of several multiple choice questions and then visualize this in a report?
I have three multiple choice questions that ask the same question: "Is this respondent considered A or B?" There are three of these questions because our survey asks respondents about three different people in their lives.
In a report, I would like to create a bar chart that counts up all of the A's and all the B's across all questions and all respondents. Qualtrics seems to only allow me to do this for each question so I'm looking for a workaround.
I've already started data collection so my understanding is that I can't set up an embedded data field and it seems like scoring can't be reported in reports. Any suggestions? Thank you so much for any advice you can offer.

goodbookhungrybook you can absolutely use scoring to do this. See my reply to your quota post as well as this screenshot of how I set up the visualization you want.


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