How can I ask about alters (social/personal) network analysis? | XM Community
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Hi! I am using the templates from Losee and Krenz
Qualtrics & egor: Setting up and analysing an ego-centered network survey with Qualtrics and egorAnd everything looks perfect when I use the code ${q://QID8/ChoiceTextEntryValue/number} to retrieve information about my alter of interest. I can see in the preview that each alter block appears (which is why I assume it works). However, when I want to see the full survey, I get the message that 'Sorry, this survey is not currently active.' - After publishing it, I keep receiving the same message.
Any ideas?

I am not sure what we have in that template but that message appears when survey is not published. As you said you have already published survey, probably that url don't have reference to correct survey. You can get correct URL from "Distribution" section or validate if project id ( starting as SV_XXX ) is matching.


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