How can I implement Latin Square design to my survey? | XM Community
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I have 2 conditions (good stories, bad stories) where all participants will go thorough.
Within each condition I have 4 different versions of the stories (valenced intention-valenced outcome, neutral intention-neutral outcome, valenced intention-neutral outcome, and neutral intention,-neutral outcome) where all participants will go through.
If a participants will read a valenced intention-valenced outcome version within good stories, I do not want them to read another valeced intention-valenced outcome story within good stories. I want them to see versions.
Same for bad story condition.
Could please someone help me? I am in urgent need of help. Many thanks <3

Hi there,
before answering I would like to understand your requirement a bit better

2 conditions (good vs bad)
4 story variations

  1. valenced intention-valenced outcome

  2. neutral intention-neutral outcome

  3.  valenced intention-neutral outcome

  4. neutral intention,-neutral(or: valenced?) outcome

first question: where is the difference between 2 and 3?
second question: in my understanding 1 and 3 would exclude each other, right?
1 and 2 or 1 and 4 would work but would 1 and 3 work also, I would assume not.
and how do you select the starting story?
Thanks and best regards


Sorry for my mistake, variations are like below. Starting story will be randomly displayed. So the first four stories could be either good stories or bad stories. But I do not understand what do you mean by "exlude". There is no exclusion actually. Each participant will read 8 stories in total: 4 good, 4 bad. And within good and bad, they will read a different variation (variations below) of a specific story. Let me know if you have more questions and thank you for your time <3

  1. valenced intention-valenced outcome

  2. neutral intention-Valanced outcome

  3. valenced intention-neutral outcome

  4. neutral intention-Neutral outcome

Hi there,
I am still a bit struggling with understanding which combinations are possible?
Are the possible combinations 1 and 4 and 2 and 3?
If good starts with 1 it should have 4 as a partner and bad stories will have 2 and 3
If the good stories start with 2 it will have 3 as a partner and the bad stories 1 and 4
Am I right?

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