How can you stop a participant being randomly given the same choice option twice? | XM Community
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Hey guys. I am trying to present 12 quotes from different sources to my participants and asking them how much they agree with the quotes. I want to pair each quote with a source to see if the origin of the quote affects the level of agreement with it. To do this I need to pair each statement with a source completely at random (e.g., "the following statement is from Nancy Pelosi" and then participants will see any of the 12 quotes). I can't work out how to stop a participant being randomly given the same quote twice, does anyone know how to make it so that for each participant they will not see any quote that was previously shown to them?
It won't let me upload a photo of the error but in the picture you can see the same quote has been randomly selected twice and the participant will see it is from different sources.

165204831_768849077370118_1256614533856649984_n.jpgThis is a picture of the error that I tried to attach! You can see the same quote has been randomly selected twice and the participant will see it is from different sources.

Hi hollyingram - it sounds like you'll want to setup Question Randomization and add your 'source' to each question through the Rich Content Editor. If you have any follow up questions, please be sure to reach out to our Support team, as they are best equipped to help!

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