How do I count embedded data on a report? | XM Community
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Hi. I have a satisfaction survey that I send out when a service is completed. When the user answers the Likert scale, the survey also captures the service type which is embedded in the link.

How do I count the embedded data instead of just showing a long list of each service type? It would look something like..


I want to see:
bird 1
cat 4
dog 2


As a follow-up question, I want to do a pivot table with the embedded data and the data in the survey, then do some very basic calculations. Something like this..
satisfaction survey.jpg

I'm not sure this will work but have you tried changing the Embedded Data fields to Text Set?

Hi! That solved it. I needed to change the content type and get dashboards turned on so I could get pivot table widget. I'm able to show the rows now! I still can't do the calculation, but baby steps. Thank you for your help! blown! Been using Qualtrics for 5+ years and never knew this was a thing!!

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