How do I decode the groups in results from Pick, Group and Rank question? | XM Community
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I have a pick, group, and rank question in my survey where participants pick their top 3 favorite images out of a group of 10 images. In the results tab, the groups of 3 have been given values that I have no idea how to decode.
Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 4.57.55 PM.pngFor instance, how do I figure out which 3 images are represented by "IM_d0xBEzvntp7JWeO" ?
When I hover over the bar, I see my html that contains the img src. However, I can't find this information anywhere other than the hover state. I can't copy the img src from the hover state, so in order to figure out what img it is, I guess I would have to take a screenshot of the hover and type that into my browser.
Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 4.59.54 PM.pngThank you in advance!

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