How do I notify participants to respond to a survey twice a day for 15 days? | XM Community
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I am putting together a survey that must be completed by each participant twice a day for 15 days. I am having issues with a few things revolving around this question...

  1. How do I send a survey link that will allow the participant to take the same survey multiple times but provide new responses each time they take it.

  2. How do I ensure the participant ID will be the same each time the participant takes the survey - I need to know which data sets to combine to basically have a portfolio for each participant.

  3. Once I send that reusable link out to participants I want to send it twice a day for 15 days but I don't know how to set up that automatic send out/notification.

and lastly, I wanted to add that I would prefer to notify participants of each survey through a text reminder but was unsure if this was possible.


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