How do I rearrange the order/organization in a question with a slider and a text box? | XM Community
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How do I rearrange the order/organization in a question with a slider and a text box?

Look how awkward this layout is. How can I fix it? Ideally I would have the first question come before the numbers which are right above the slider bar, and then the second question and text box at the bottom.
In the survey I am creating, I would like responders to give both quantitative and qualitative feedback on images. I have set it up so that each image is on a difference page ; I want the order of the images to be randomized, but cannot randomize pages within a block and so I set the questions to randomize within the block instead. Because I must do it this way, I must have the picture, slider (quantitative) and text box (qualitative) all in one 'question'. Only issue is that the question now looks VERY awkward. Is there anyway that I can fix the organization of this?


Maybe I missed this, but why not put each image and its questions in a separate block (not page) and then randomize the blocks?

Ah, I don't think I can do that because this is only one part of a larger survey. the other blocks contain for example a consent form, an information page, and other questions that need to come before this particular block. Is it possible to only randomize a few select blocks and have the rest static?

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